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Concrete Forms Tips

4 Benefits of Renting Shoring Equipment

During construction, excavating the earth at on site is inevitable. Construction workers create trenches that have more depth than width. Although these trenches are beneficial and necessary during construction and alterations, they serve as a dangerous, and potentially fatal, environment.  

Cave-ins are the biggest threat to workers in trenches. In fact, hundreds of workers are killed each year due from this very event. The best way to prevent these disasters is by renting or purchasing shoring equipment 

Here are the top four benefits of renting shoring equipment for your next excavation job. 

1. Safety 

Cave-ins can come unexpectedly due to weather, moisture in the air, accidents, and other outside forces. Construction workers put their lives on the line the moment they step foot into a ditch. If a trench without shoring collapses with workers inside, they’ll likely face injuries or even death.  There are several effective ways to prevent trenching accidents on your construction site.

Some excavations require large trenches and multiple employees at risk at once, while some projects are smaller and may only require one worker. Regardless of size, a trench’s mudslide or avalanche can bury workers alive. If proper shoring isn’t in place, even the shallowest trenches are a threat. Shoring and scaffolding literally saves lives. 

2. Lower costs 

At the end of each day, trenches without shoring don’t stay intact. Upon returning to work the next day, workers must re-excavate the ditches, wasting time and resources that could be spent on other critical tasks. With these safety systems in place, you’ll eliminate the task of re-digging for your team.  

3. Avoid Lawsuits 

Although safety is your top concern, it’s also important to recognize that any injuries or fatalities can lead to major lawsuits for your company. Lawsuits bring stress, time, and most importantly, money.  

However, in addition to tacking on to overall costs, they also destroy the company’s reputation and employee reviews. In the aftermath of a catastrophic event of losing a team member, you’ll deal with less leads and lower revenue. Shoring ensures financial safety for the company, but it also instills trust in your employees that you care about their wellbeing.  

4. Peace of Mind 

When workers have peace of mind and confidence in their employer, productivity increases with that one investment. It is important for workers and their families to know that they are in good hands while working.  

Plus, company executives will be pleased that all safety bases are covered when it comes to construction projects. Peace of mind will create a tranquil environment across the board.  

Forming America is a concrete forming and shoring equipment company that sells, rents, and renovates formwork. We take pride in safety to bring you the highest customer satisfaction. Contact Forming America by calling 1-888-993-1304 today to outfit the next project for your company.  

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