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How to Create Curved Concrete Walls

How to Create Curved Concrete Walls

Creating curved concrete walls requires careful planning, precise formwork, and skilled craftsmanship. With the right tools and techniques, you can create curved concrete walls successfully. Curved concrete walls also offer a variety of benefits and a particular appeal in certain spaces. Whether you choose curved concrete walls for function or aesthetics, this is a popular […]

Tips to Remember When Waterproofing Concrete Walls

Tips to Remember When Waterproofing Concrete Walls

Waterproofing concrete walls takes place during construction and renovation processes. The best time to waterproof concrete is before the walls get exposed to water and moisture. Waterproofing concrete walls must be done before they are finished and before a building becomes occupied to help prevent water damage and the potential for mold or mildew growth. […]

The Importance of Waler Beams in Construction

The Importance of Waler Beams in Construction

Walers in construction are horizontal beams bolted to larger upright structures to provide support. Walers can be placed at various heights or angles along a structure for effective bolstering and weight distribution. Here’s everything you need to know about the importance of waler beams in construction and how Forming America can support your next construction […]

Formwork vs. Shuttering Pros and Cons

Formwork vs. Shuttering Pros and Cons

Many construction projects involve concrete shuttering and formwork to hold wet concrete in place while it sets and hardens. While formwork and shuttering can be used interchangeably, there are subtle differences between the terms that are important to the overall process of concrete forms. Formwork and shuttering are similar because they are both used in […]

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