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3 Ways to Adapt Your Construction Business During Covid-19

COVID-19 has caused changes to the construction industry and experts say many of them will remain even after the virus recedes. Adapting quickly is the best way to prompt a successful move forward.

Perhaps COVID-19 has caused your company to lose a lot of workers for your projects. Or maybe you’re company a company struggling to find construction supplies like concrete forms for sale or even much more common supplies like plywood for sale. If this is you, here are 3 ways to get your business moving in the right direction.

The “New Normal”

Construction projects that are able to move forward and enter the post-COVID-19 environment are facing challenges to keep their workers socially distanced from one another while continuing to be productive.

Most states are allowing the re-opening of construction work with an emphasis on social distancing. Just like everywhere else, workplaces are not able to operate like they were before the pandemic.

The need for social distancing is also impacting how contractors will interact with their project teams. Many companies are implementing a remote technology tool that can hold virtual meetings with clients along with inspections for the projects. Adhering to these guidelines will help your company stay safe during the pandemic and allow you to adapt and continue to work.


No one knows what will happen in the future with COVID-19. With this situation, things are changing on the daily with no apparent end-date known. Everyone on the project including consultants, owners, lenders must communicate more often compared to the past.

It is almost important to keep project teams in the loop! Most of the time construction project teams are out in the field relying on the on-site presence to get their work done.

To enhance employee communication, consider creating a dedicated COVID-19 communication team. The team would consist of different members of each department responsible for broadcasting and maintaining the current information about the company’s actions. They should communicate what the team should be working on, the current projects, and the decisions made to move forward.

Communication is the key to a successful construction project. By establishing a steady flow of information through a weekly and daily schedule, team members will all be on the same page as to what is happening on the construction site.

Social Distancing

As a construction business owner, the health and safety of returning employees should be prioritized. However, the office space may not accommodate all employees. If this is the case, workers who are working remotely will need to continue this arrangement.

As for construction site workers, social distancing becomes tricky. Consider introducing staggered shifts or a schedule limiting and regulating the number of people allowed on the site at any given time.

Job Site Monitoring

Many companies have started to hold virtual meetings instead of coming into the office when it is not needed. Video monitoring is a quick fix for progress tracking and safety monitoring when in-person meetings are not a possibility. With many projects reducing the on-site employees, video meetings help project managers and supervisors monitor jobs from a distance.

Cleaner and Safer Job Sites

Along with distancing employees on job sites, contractors are also implementing new job site policies to improve worker health and safety. These policies consist of taking employee temperatures and daily disinfecting tools and machinery on the job site.

There are new protocols to promote social distancing by employees wearing masks and gloves one hundred percent of the time they are working, along with new hand washing and sanitizing stations.

Longer Project Times

Many of the new safety changes to the construction site will add more length of time it takes to complete a project. While it is crucial to keep workers healthy, staggering work while social distancing will decrease the overall progress of the project.

Construction schedules will not be the same, new protocols are moving the end-date of projects every day, not knowing the exact time when a project will be complete. Things will be taking longer due to not having as many workers able to be in the same place at the same time.

Your company should alert your clients of this upfront and remove any unnecessary pressure.

Forming America Can Help Your Company During This Time

Many new restrictions that projects are having to follow due to coronavirus will continue to change the future of construction and contracting. Forming America is here for your company during this tough time. If you need concrete forms, shoring equipment or rentals, contact us today so we can help you finish the next job.

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