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Concrete Facts

Are Poured Basements Better?

When considering how to make basement foundations and walls, it is important to weigh the advantages of a poured concrete wall versus the convenience of a block walls. Contractors should consider more than just ease of build when choosing foundation structures — the longevity and durability of the finished structure is also important. Comparing poured basement walls to block walls will help to decide which is the better choice for your next building project.

Block Walls Vs. Poured Walls

Strength Comparison

Block walls are built out of hollow, preformed cement blocks. These blocks are stacked together, much like bricks, with mortar in between them. This means they go up quickly, but it also means they have a lot of potential weak points; due in part to the fact that mortar joints become weak points in the wall.

Nearly all poured basements require the use of formwork, often utilizing a blindsided wall system. This requires more time and skill, but the result is much stronger than concrete block walls as the concrete forms a cohesive whole. However, both types of walls need steel reinforcement to help prevent cracking and settling.

Water Damage Protection

Neither wall is a failsafe when it comes to water invasion, but poured walls offer fewer paths for water to travel. With block walls, water leaks through cracks in the mortar joints and hollow blocks. The joint-free construction of a poured wall greatly reduces water problems, resulting in fewer service issues for builders.

Adaptability for the Build

Poured walls are more adaptable, allowing for design flexibility. They also have twice as much fire resistance as their block counterparts. Poured walls are virtually maintenance free, while block walls sometimes need to be repaired due to settling over time.

So why anyone would choose block basement walls over poured? The truth is that even though poured walls are better, contractors consider block walls to be less hassle because formwork doesn’t have to be set up.

When possible, using poured walls is an excellent way to avoid future problems with dissatisfied customers. To streamline the job, ensure that you have the right forming equipment before the job begins.

Equipment for the Job

Is a poured concrete basement part of your next construction project? Forming America has the forming equipment you need to make the job easier with efficient setup and teardown. We’ll deliver blindsided forming equipment right to your job site, and you can be sure that your poured wall has all the support it will need.

Call Forming America today at 1-888-993-1304 to purchase or rent forms for your next construction job.